Age 65 or older; Without proof of age, the rack rate will be
charged Entitles Golfer to a Green Fee (1 Round of Golf) plus powered golf cart
rental, excluding designated Holidays (not available to outings nor leagues)
Senior Spectacular
open until 12:59 pm, Monday thru Friday
Senior Tier I Discount
1:00 pm until close, Monday thru Friday
Weekday Rates
Entitles Golfer to a Green Fee (1 Round of Golf) plus powered golf cart rental, Monday thru Friday,
excluding Holidays
open until 2:59 pm
As Low As $41.00
3:00 pm until close (not available to outings nor leagues)
11:00 am until close; Golf Shop determines starting hole
As Low As $30.00
Weekend Rates & Holiday Rates
Entitles Golfer to a Green Fee (1 Round of Golf) plus powered golf cart rental, Saturday, Sunday, and
open until 2:59 pm
As Low As $43.00
3:00 pm until close (not available to outings nor leagues)
11:00 am until close; Golf Shop determines starting hole
As Low As $36.00
Junior Specials
Age 17 or under; Without proof of age, the rack rate will be
charged Entitles Golfer to a Green Fee (1 Round of Golf) plus powered golf cart
rental, excluding designated Holidays (not available to outings nor leagues)
Weekday Junior Open
10:00 am until 2:59 pm, Monday thru Friday
As Low As $35.00
Weekday Junior Twilite
3:00 pm until close, Monday thru Friday
Weekday Junior 9-Hole
11:00 am until close, Monday thru Friday
As Low As $25.00
Weekend Junior Open
10:00 am until 2:59 pm, Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
As Low As $39.00
Weekend Junior Twilite
3:00 pm until close, Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
Weekend Junior 9-Hole
11:00 am until close, Saturday, Sunday & Holidays
All prices include appropriate NJ state sales tax
Prices are subject to change -- Please check with Golf Shop for Up-To-The-Minute details
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